Session Prep Guide


Family is a gift.

It is truly a gift to be part of a family. One of the many reasons I love family photography is that it gives us a chance to take a moment and celebrate this gift in all of its ages and stages. My hope is always to capture you, authentically, in your beautiful true selves and the unique connection you have as a family. Thank you for inviting me along for this special moment and for trusting me with the gift of your family and your time. In order for me to best serve that gift I want to take a few minutes to communicate details that will help our time to run smoothly. If reading this guide brings up more questions, please feel free to reach out to me via email or phone at any point.


Preparing for the Session


There are a variety of beautiful photo spots in the Triangle and you get to choose the location that best fits your family and what you are hoping for. First choice is always a spot that has meaning to you as a family. That could be your home or backyard, a favorite trail or park, or even an urban spot like a parking garage or mural downtown that spotlights your city pride. We can have a conversation about which location is the best fit over the phone if one doesn’t stand out to you. Following are a list of some favorites of past clients.

  • Eno River State Park

  • Hollow Rock Park

  • Duke trails

  • American Tobacco Campus

  • Downtown Durham

  • Coker Arboretum on UNC campus

  • and my personal fave…your home or backyard!


What to Expect

Your session should last around 45 minutes, give or take. Because I believe the most beautiful photos happen when you are being your natural self and aren’t thinking about the camera, I like to think of our time together as an adventure. For outdoor sessions I often tell families with younger ones to tell the kids ahead of time that Miss Joy is going to take them on an adventure. Maybe on a bear hunt? Maybe a treasure hunt? In both at home sessions and outdoor, we will play games and cut up and let the kids be kids. Please DO NOT feel the need to manage behaviors during our session, and for goodness sakes don’t ask anyone to say cheese. I always aim to get some traditional shots of everyone looking and smiling, but the real magic is in the moments in between…how she looks at her Dad when he tells a story, how his brother makes him belly laugh, how they look at their Mom as if their world is wrapped up in her face. No matter how chaotic everyday life may be, not matter how much they fight on the way to the session, these moments will happen. And it will be beautiful. I have seen it all, and in all of it is beauty. This is a moment for you to relax and let me take charge of the momentum. And heaven forbid, it may actually be, dare I say, fun.

If we choose to do the session at your home, please do not feel the need to clean the whole house top to bottom. Pick a space with good light that fits the whole crew and focus on that area. Declutter, open all the shades and, if needed, just scoot the laundry basket to the other side of the room. Turn off all overhead and lamp light. Window light will be our best friend here. If you guys spend time as a family in the backyard or on the front porch, let’s consider doing part or all of the session there.


Some Common Concerns

  • What if my spouse/kids are not all that thrilled about having their photos taken?

    Here’s the truth. Many aren’t. But that’s because in their mind, photo sessions are stuffy and constricting and interrupt them from doing what they really want to be doing. Here is where I say knowledge is power. First of all, set expectations. Tell them how long, where, what you are hoping for. Make sure everyone is fed and rested ahead of time and bring along some light snacks for the hangry one. Tell the kids we will be going on an adventure together and they get to decide what kind of adventure. If we are doing a session at home I always ask kids to show me their room. Most kids are pretty pumped to show off their space. Giving kids autonomy almost always gets them engaged in the process. More often than not, kids leave sessions with me begging to stay longer. Most of all, it is important that they all know this matters to you and will matter to them one day, too.

  • What do I do if someone decides to throw a temper tantrum?

    Inevitably, tantrums happen. Most can be avoided with food and rest ahead of time and setting accurate expectations. If there are triggers that would be helpful for me to know about ahead of time, please do tell. One of my super powers is intuition, and as soon as I get the sense someone is done, I move on. There will be plenty of breaks for each member of the family, and I will take my camera down from my face from time to time so they remember that I am a real human who cares about them and their interests and preferences. I want to respect each member of your family, from the youngest to the oldest and will never push them beyond what they feel comfortable with. Most importantly, stay calm and carry on. In my experience, kids need to feel what they feel and if we can stay calm, they feel safe and will regroup on their own given time and space. As I said before, we want kids to be kids in order to get the most authentic photos.

  • Can we include our fur baby?

    I am not opposed to including the furry members of your family, given they are an addition more than a distraction. When deciding on a location just make sure to let me know if you plan on including a pet so I can make sure it complies with ordinances where we will be shooting. Pets are often most comfortable at home so it may be worth considering an at home session if you are set on including them in on the process.

  • How do I handle a shy kiddo who is nervous around new people?

    I have one myself, and as I mentioned before, I can sense when a kid needs space. I find that the traditional, smile-at-the-camera-group-Christmas-card-photo shot works best at the beginning and once we start adventuring, most kids warm right up. I will give them space, and will likely grab the photos of them when they are snuggled up next to the people who make them feel the most safe, namely, you. I will never ask anyone to smile at the camera, but have my tactics that can get real expressions of joy and belonging. If I would never ask anyone to smile at the camera, I will ask that no-one else does either. We will not be saying “cheese” at any point. It may require occasional potty humor ( I have a shy 13 year old boy myself) or a corny knock-knock joke, but the joy will be real, not forced.

  • I always feel awkward in front of a camera and insecure about ______. Will you tell me what to do so I am not guessing?

    I will give you guidance the entire time and coach you into the most flattering and natural positions. Believe it or not, I also feel awkward and insecure in front of a camera, so I put myself in your shoes occasionally so I can think of the best ways to make you feel more comfortable. If you stay focused on your people, you may be surprised by how easy it is to forget the camera is even there.


What to Wear

Probably the most often asked question is how to think about clothing choices for your session. I always encourage my families to start with Mom. It could be a great excuse for a new outfit, or maybe you have one you always feel killer in. Then build the rest off of that. It doesn’t have to start with Mom, but I often find that if Mom feels good, everyone else feels way better. Either way, pick one outfit or item and build the rest off of that. Here are some tips to consider…

  • Think about coordinating, not matching. Do not put everyone in a white shirt. No shade here, I did it too back in the 90s/early 2000s. But no more. It can be floral, or plaid, but think about coordinating color tones. Jewel tones, spring pastels, blues…

  • Pinterest has a wealth of information on coordinating outfits for family photos. A quick search there can be helpful.

  • Consider how you will use the photos. If you have a gallery wall already picked out, think about the colors in your home and how they will coordinate with your photos.

  • Comfort! Consider our location and choose clothing that will be comfortable for moving around in that space. Heels don’t always work that well on a hike to the creek.

  • Layers and textures add interest. Accessories, jackets, sweaters all add interest. Don’t be afraid to mix patterns and use color tones to tie them together. I do love how rich, muted earth tones stand out in photos. Think mustard, burgundy, deep greens and blues, darker reds and oranges, blush and mauve pinks.

  • Most importantly, BE YOU! This is all about you and your family and your unique connection. Wardrobe should only point us toward that end, not take center stage. This is not a time to try out a new style. I want to see you in all your glory, and even more, I want to show you how important you are to your people!


After the Session

After your session, I will get to work on culling your images down to the very best of the best (typically between 40-60 images/session, then editing those images and getting them up into your gallery. Once they're ready, I'll be in touch to schedule your 24-hour slideshow window. When you get the slideshow link, I encourage you to make an event of it! Queue it up on your tv or a large computer screen and gather the whole family around (sound up!)... the first time you see your photos is always the best. Once you’ve selected and paid for your collection, your gallery will open for thirty days, preloaded with your print credit and set for you to download the number of files that corresponds with your collection.

Downloading Your Files

When you've decided which images you'd like to use for your download credit (no need to choose if you go with the Premium Collection), I'd encourage you to do that immediately. The process is simple: select the images and use the down arrow in the upper right corner of your gallery - click on that and the system will walk you through the download process. The images will download as a zip file, which you can double-click on to expand. I suggest you make a second copy of the expanded files, then save the two copies to two different locations - I generally recommend that one copy be saved to an easily accessible drive (either on your computer or on an external hard drive), and that the other get saved to the cloud (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.).

Copyrights (and wrongs)

Once you've got your digital files in hand, you are free to print them when, where, and as often as you wish - you can use them to make holiday cards, share on your social media pages or personal blog, etc. The only things you can't do are related to the resale of your photos or use for commercial/business purposes. For instance, if you authored a book, you'd need additional permission to use one of the photos on the dust jacket, and you wouldn't be able to enter one of the photos into a contest and win prize money for it. Otherwise, you've got free reign.

Printing your images

While everything that I offer in my store is printed in professional labs and guaranteed to be beautiful, I also recognize that you may want to print your images yourself, and thanks to those digital files, you absolutely can! I recommend Southeastern Camera for local printing and for online prints. Be sure to de-select any color correction options, and be sure to upload the original files you downloaded, not copies. The files you receive from me should allow you to print up to 20x30" at minimum. Wherever you choose to print, PLEASE PRINT YOUR IMAGES! They will not serve you well on a computer drive somewhere. Hang them on your walls, put them in albums on your coffee table. Enjoy them! My kids still love pulling out our albums and looking through and reminiscing over how much they’ve changed and grown. It is a legacy to them. My favorite items are albums, but many of my families love framed prints and canvases or even holiday cards.


Phew! If you made it to the end, kudos to you! My goal is that you will feel 100% comfortable showing up to your session with all your questions answered and you expectations set. Again, it is truly a gift and an honor that you would entrust such precious memories to me and I want to serve you as best as I can throughout the process. Please feel free to call, text, email with any questions or if you just want help talking through any of the decisions involved from choosing outfits to choosing a location. I am here for you. I will reach back out to you the week of your session to make sure everyone is healthy and ready to go. See you soon!