I saw him in church history and back porch prayer sessions with bourbon in hand while the smoker heats up for dinner. All of it, every single one, holy.
What have you been thinking about most in June?
If I’m honest, my 16 year old reader has turned me on to the Grishaverse (thank you Leigh Bardugo), so a lot of my brain has been filled with Ravka and the Crows and the Sun Saint v/s the Darkling, and will Nikolai, after it all, keep his throne?? But when I am not immersed in YA fiction, I find myself asking a lot of questions about the role of women within the church and what that means for me, about how to parent each individual kid in the unique ways they need, the unique blend of enneagram types within a family while also allowing myself space so I won’t implode or explode, or both at the same time. And in most recent days, I keep asking myself the same question…Is this the right work for me? Am I doing the right work each day? This is less a question about career, more about my why and how I spend the hours of my day. Are you exhausted yet? Welcome to my brain. Which leads us to the final question…
What is one word to describe what you hope for as we move into July?
Peace in my home, peace in my heart. And playfulness, which I think probably is a symptom of peace. We are beginning to fall into the rhythm of summer and it is working. I want to give myself more freedom and grace to rest and play in the summer months we have left. The biggest challenge to rest, for me, is in my own head.
“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the gras on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.” - John Lubbock
That will be my quest in July.