
Welcome to my world!

Hello! This project has been a long time coming and because of my great skill at starting a project and constant struggle to carry it across the finish line coupled with perfectionist tendencies, I am incredibly grateful and proud to finally present to you my website and blog!  

As I thought through the best way to introduce myself to the worldwide web I thought a little day in the life project would be a good way to give you a window into my little world.  So I woke up on a Father's Day Sunday morning, took my first shot camera broke.  I wish I were kidding.  Taking it in for repairs this morning.  Not to be deterred, I continued with my project using my iPhone.  Cause somedays you just have to keep rolling with it.

I love sleeping in on Sundays and I'm a two cups a day girl.  Most of my life I was a one-cupper, but then we moved.  Again.  For the 11th time in 15 years.  Yes, you read that right.  No, we are not in the military.

My family and I moved to Durham last August for my husband to work for a start up in downtown.  We immediately started a major house remodel (cause that's what we do) and just moved in a few weeks ago.  Another post about all that crazy coming up soon.  We have three crazy monkeys and one incredibly ridiculous labrador.  

There are almost always roller skates and basketballs on the floor, dog hair on the couch and always at least one basket of laundry waiting to be folded.  Because life is real, ya'll.  And it never stops.  

Since the first Sunday we visited Durham we fell in love with the vision of this little church plant in the city called Christ Central Church and have been worshipping there every Sunday since.  And can we just talk about the jazz?  So soulful and soul filling.  To meet every Sunday in a place surrounded by such rich African American heritage where Martin Luther King, Jr. once spoke is such a privilege.  

School is out for the summer and this is the first summer since deciding to stay home that I've been working.  Or trying to work.  I have to be honest here.  It has not been easy and filled with all the feels.  Guilt, gratitude, exhaustion and frustration.  I always feel like I am failing someone.  Please tell me you working moms can relate?!  We've all been getting readjusted to being together so much again and I really wasn't sure someone wouldn't die in the process.  So far every body is accounted for.

One of the perks of being a mom to older kiddos now is that they get to help around the house.  Because the dishwasher doesn't unload itself.  

The boys had a Father Son golf tournament, which is the fastest way to my baby daddy's heart, and we hate to brag, but they kinda won their age bracket.  No big deal.  The winning trophy/frame may or may not be front and center in our home.  And just to show what an amazing and cool baby daddy he is, though his heart's desire was to be on the couch watching the US Open, he instead took one for the team and was coerced into a Dad's Freestyle Relay at the pool.  So selfless.  And he does dishes.  I'll keep him.

We ended the day in our favorite way...with dear friends, burgers and cheesecake.  Laughing and dance parties melt away a lot of the hard things.  This is my life.  It's real.  It's messy.  It's beautiful.  My camera has become an invitation to take notice of the many gifts in this life.  To look for the beauty in the minutest mundane.  The redeemed amidst the brokenness.  To honor those passing beautiful moments by freezing them in time.  To remind my own soul and to invite others to look and see.  Thank you for coming along for the ride!